S-Drive Power adds a Target Training Display specifically engineered for goal-based training, making it easier than ever for members to take on sprints, sled pushes and parachute training with precision metric tracking. Integrated testing establishes personalized targets just right for the ability level of each member, while the unique LED wrap helps trainers and members gauge intensity with bright colors. The display even pivots so trainers can easily view feedback. Whether tracking watts, speed, time, distance, heart rate or taking on high-intensity interval training, the personalized metrics help members maintain effort and reach their goals. WiFi enabled, the Target Training Display also works with our complete portfolio of Matrix Connected Solutions. Includes a built-in sled push bar that tracks power in watts.



  • Integrated sub-max heart rate testing
  • Interval and Sprint 8 program
  • Intuitive touchscreen design
  • Engaging graphics
  • ANT+ and Bluetooth enabled



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